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    Coaching – Group

    Group coaching can be a wonderful and intense way to experience the coaching process. It’s amazing to witness the power of the coaching process not only in your life, but the lives of others.

    Women’s Leadership Coaching Group

    This group is designed for women that are ready to be leaders in their own lives; therefore, enabling them to be leaders in their careers, life transitions, families, and communities. These women are ready to be in a position where they create the lives they want to be living instead of constantly living as a reaction to situations and circumstances around them, moving from being reactive to proactive.

    It’s also a great option for the woman that was intrigued by the complimentary coaching session and wants more of a taste before committing to the coaching process.

    The group consists of 12 sessions occurring virtually (video conferencing) bi-weekly over the course of 6 months.

    Please contact me for details about the next round.