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    Fertility Counseling

    You did everything the right way and in the right order. The last thing you’d thought you’d be struggling with at this point in your life was your fertility. You might be having a lot of emotions around this that can be hard to describe, especially to the people around you who don’t seem to get it or brush it off and give you advice that isn’t helpful at all in this moment.

    You might be undergoing fertility treatments or maybe you’ve decided (or it was decided for you) that you won’t be trying anymore interventions. What do you do when the family you thought you’d have doesn’t seem like a possibility anymore?

    Having a space to really let it all out, to express yourself and be heard is vital to the healing process. You can learn how to deal with the uncertainty so that it doesn’t disrupt your well-being. You can rediscover and embody the value you bring to the world whether or not you have children.

    Not every mental health therapist is trained to provide fertility counseling and while it may not seem like a big deal, it can be when you start to open up about your journey. You’re going to want a therapist who is not only sensitive to your experience, but has an understanding of the medical process as well as how it all impacts not only your mental health, but your relationships with your partner and loved ones. Lots of things change in this season, many you probably didn’t think would change.

    What to know more about fertility counseling and what to expect? Contact me today.